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Rushcroft Primary School home page

Rushcroft Primary School

Love to Live to Learn

0161 770 8236

Other Activity

Each week, you will be given an additional online activity to do which you can do when you want during the week.

This will either be Purple Mash, Education City or Times Tables Rock Stars.

All your usernames and passwords are on the inside cover of the orange folder you have been given.

Please hand in the Purple Mash learning to me online when you have completed it.


Monday 11th January


This week, I have put two activities on Purple Mash, both to do with creating variables to help a program run. You will find them in your 2do folder from Monday 11th January. Follow the video tutorial and use the hint option if you need to.


Monday 18th January


Please check Purple Mash for your next computing activity. Use the hints if you get stuck.


Tuesday/Wednesday each week


Education City free choice


Thursday/Friday each week


Times Tables Rock Stars free choice