Spring Term Report
It is always tricky in the winter/spring term as the weather is not always the nicest. Our determined team were not beaten back and still worked to maintain the veg bed, racing against the ever-growing weeds.
In January we got the whole school participating in the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch, the results of which allowed the RSPB to gather data on our garden birds. Some of the planet protectors stood up in assembly and promoted the event to the whole school. We loved the recording of the species we saw and look forward to this again in the future.
This term the team members enjoyed a visit from Recycle for Greater Manchester and participated in a recycling workshop- learning all about where the rubbish goes and which bins too use. Some of the items like coffee cups could not be recycled which surprised some of us.
In March we levied the school again in citizen science by taking part in Greenpeace’s Big Plastic Count. Over a week, we asked classes to track how much plastic was thrown away and which types. This data then helped form a document which can be seen here. It made us all think carefully about our choices and consumption. We are very good at school bringing our own water bottles though, so we know that we help the planet this way.