Our curriculum is deep rooted in a philosophy for education that allows all of our children to have the opportunity to access and engage in lessons that are creative, innovative with interconnectivity across subjects. Our intention is to enable our children to reach high levels of academic, sporting and artistic achievement.
Subjects are taught in the context of a purposeful and meaningful topic that inspires, excites and enthuses learners, offering them transferrable skills for life-long learning. The progressive curriculum builds upon prior knowledge, challenges thinking and enables a higher level of understanding for long term memory acquisition, storage and retention.
By clicking the links below , you will find out more about what we have to offer and what the children experience every day. The long term curriculum plans and units of learning are colour coded according to the subject it is, as follows:
Orange : Science Yellow: Art
Green: Design & Technology Purple: History
Brown : Geography Blue: Religious Education
Red: Computing Grey: RSE
Pale Blue : Physical Education Pink: Music
We teach French in Key Stage Two and we use a scheme called 'ilanguages' to teach it.
If you have any questions regarding the curriculum we teach please contact the school directly.
We have provision in place to educate our children remotely should the need arise. Our remote education offer is detailed in the individual class pages for each cohort, an example of this offer can be seen by clicking the link below :
Enrichment Opportunities
We foster a love of learning and where possible, plan for children to learn from first-hand experiences. Our intent is to ensure that the children's experiences are engaging and memorable, one of the ways we do this is through our themed days, rich experiences and focussed weeks etc. Our termly enrichment days are hugely successful. We encourage our parents to come into school are take part in a range of curriculum events, we have an open-door policy during our themed days. We also enrich the curriculum in many other ways, check out the gallery and our links below to see what we have been doing.
Enrichment Days
We have enrichment days each term that focus on an area of priority or to enhance learning across the curriculum. Have a look at what we have been up to on our themed days...
Outdoor Learning Opportunities
Where possible, we take our children outdoors so that they can learn from first hand experiences. Here are some examples of what we have been up to...