We have been learning all about our teeth and the importance of keeping them strong and healthy. As part of our learning we are investigating what causes tooth decay. We have used a range of drinks and going to observe the effect they can have on our teeth. We can't wait to update you on what happens!
In Science this half terms we are exploring living and non-living things. We are going to be identifying what humans need to survive and ways in which we stay healthy.
Our History learning this half term is all about The Great Plague. We will be identifying the causes and how the plague spread so quickly as well as exploring primary evidence through Samuel Pepys' diary.
Our design and technology learning this half term is based on mechanisms. We are going to be following a design criteria to design and create our very own product with a wheel and axle.
We created prototypes using a wheel and an axle and tested them to check if they work. We did this to make sure any problems were fixed before making our products.
In Redgrave's we are going to be developing our typing skill in computing by exploring word processing software. We will be experimenting with fonts, images and word art to create a presentation.
Our religion learning this half term focuses on the stories of Jesus. We are looking at different parables and discussing how they impact the beliefs of Christians. We will be looking at the parable of The Prodigal Son, Jesus Feeds the 5000 and Jairus's Daughter. We will also be looking at why Jesus is an inspiration and people who inspire our lives.