Penalty Notice Fines for School Attendance have changed from 19th August 2024. Click the link below to find out more.
The importance of regular school attendance and punctuality
Regular school attendance and good punctuality plays a fundamental role in the academic, social, and personal growth of our children. We believe that children cannot learn and develop if they are absent from school or regularly late. We want all children to have the best possible attendance at school to enable each and every child to reach their full potential.
There is a strong link between good school attendance and achieving educational success. Research has shown that poor attendance is linked to poor attainment. Children who frequently miss school fall behind and this may affect their future prospects
We aim to ensure that all our children take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them by promoting strong attendance and punctuality and reducing persistent absenteeism. We expect all our children to achieve 97%+ attendance each academic year. We want to work closely with our families, to support them in helping their child achieve this target.
Arriving late has the same negative impact on children as does being absent:
5 minutes late each day is 3 days lost
10 minutes late each day is 6.5 days lost
20 minutes late each day is 13 days lost
30 minutes late each day is 19 days lost
Your responsibilities as a parent
In England, parents have a legal responsibility to ensure that their child receives an education. Children are required to start full-time education at the beginning of the school term following their fifth birthday. They must continue in education or training until the age of 18. This can be in a school or other education or training provision, such as an apprenticeship. Children have to attend school for a 190 days every school year.
Parents are legally required to ensure their child's regular attendance at the school they are registered with. Failing to do so without a valid reason can result in legal action.
Parental support is critical in ensuring that children achieve in education and support and guidance is always available at our school. Mrs Salmon is our Attendance Leader for our school, working in partnership with a representative from the Local Authority Education and Attendance Service.
What the law says
Parents have a legal responsibility for ensuring that children of compulsory school age receive a full-time education ‘suitable to their age, ability, aptitude and any special education needs that they may have either by regular attendance at school or otherwise’. Section 7 Education Act 1996.
Parents whose children are on a school register and fail to ensure the regular school attendance of their children, may be guilty of an offence under Section 444 or 444 (1A) of the Education Act 1996. The council may issue a Penalty Notice or take other statutory action through the courts to secure regular school attendance.
Our school has adopted the Local Authority, Educational Neglect Policy. The policy clearly defines how all services such as education, social care, health and all other professionals respond to concerns of educational neglect. This, alongside our Improving Attendance Policy, provides a clear framework for handling absenteeism.
The school policy for improving attendance is detailed, it outlines the schools procedures for managing attendance and provides the relevant detail about how the school manages absenteeism; the different types of absences and reasons for them; the roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders.
All absences must be reported to the school office or on the Studybugs ap on the first day of absence, and before 9.00am. If no contact is made, our school will endeavour to make contact. Being absent from school, without a reason, will be unauthorised and this will be held on a child's file. Our improving attendance policy provides more detail on the steps the school will take.
Term time absence requests
Please read section 3 and 4 of the school policy BEFORE completing this form. Provide as much information as possible about the request you are making. If you feel that the circumstances around the request will be deemed exceptional as detailed in the school policy, the detail must be provided. Further evidence may be requested of you at a later date. The request will be sent to Mrs Salmon. Mrs Salmon is the leader for attendance for our federation of schools. You will receive a response within 3 working days.